
I'm always looking for new people to join the group. Please drop me an email at natalie.cooper "at" nhm.ac.uk if you'd like to discuss options. Unfortunately I do not currently have any funds available for students or postdocs.


MSc and MRes projects

The Museum has three Masters courses, but we can also supervise students on other courses. I am happy to supervise MSc and MRes projects on any aspect of macroecology and macroevolution. I'm particularly keen to take on students who want to use the vertebrate collections. Note that I'm only able to take on a few students each term. If you're interested in exploring Masters courses at NHM there are more details here.


PhD studentships

The Natural History Museum is a member of several DLAs (Doctoral Landscape Awards) that provide PhD studentships. I can be supervisor or co-supervisor on any of these. For more details see here.



A number of schemes exist to fund postdoctoral research at the Museum. I've highlighted some below. Note that they all have different deadlines and different eligibility requirements (some require UK nationality, others EU residency, others that you have been out of the UK for at least 2/3 years etc.). Please check eligibility requirements carefully so that you aren't disappointed. Also try to contact me as far in advance of needing to submit an application as possible so we can work on it together and make it as good as possible.


Visiting researchers, collaborations etc.

I'm always keen to discuss potential collaborative projects. I'm also happy to discuss/facilitate research visits to the Museum. Or to meet for a cup of tea/coffee in the Museum if you happen to be passing through!